
Homeless Shelters

Caring for mentally ill men or recovering addicts is sound public policy.

Housing them in neighborhoods of schoolchildren and local business centers is not.

Address Our Water Supply

Repairing or replacing aging and rotting water and sewer lines may be disruptive and may be costly – but it is not rocket science – and high functioning infrastructure is critical to public health and welfare, and is sound – and essential - public policy.

Walking away from construction and installation that the state is helping to pay for is not.

No Community Jails

Incarcerating those who cannot afford bail for even petty crimes is filling our jails to overflowing, so yes, supporting bail reform that reduces jail populations by 70% is sound public policy.

Moving great numbers of prisoners into neighborhood “community jails” is not.

Our concerns are not reactionary or unwarranted. Queens is a community of caring people. We care about those in need. But, our concerns for quality of life and safety in Queens are shared by every neighborhood and borough in the community, from Manhattan high rent districts to State Senate District 15, right here in Queens.

Community Issues

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